
Zucchini Chips

Healthy alternative to chips, keep fresh in tupperware for up to 1 week!

Yam Fries

This yam fry recipe is quick and easy and is a great snack!


Quick and easy starter dish!

Avocado Quesadilla

A quick snack to keep medicated.

Sweet Potato Chips

These sweet potato chips are a healthy, quick and easy to make!

Apple Chips

This healthy snack is great for when you're on the go and need to keep medicated throughout the day!

Baked Kale Chips

This super healthy snack is not only delicious but will keep you medicated throughout the day!

Fruit and Nut Granola Bars

These granola bars are quick and easy! Keep one with you throughout the day to get medicated when you need it.


A quick and easy snack that will keep you medicated for a few hours!

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