
Task force recommends setting 18 as minimum age for pot purchases

A federal task force on legalized recreational marijuana is recommending storefront and mail-order sales to Canadians 18 years and older, with personal growing limits of four plants per person. The framework report, headed by former federal Liberal cabinet minister Anne McLellan, says recreational marijuana should not...

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What’s in your pot? Marketplace tests today’s weed

Marijuana legalization is looming in Canada, but what's in today's weed — and what isn't — may surprise you. CBC's Marketplace looked into the marijuana market ahead of the legalization of recreational pot, which is expected to be introduced through legislation in spring 2017 and to...

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Weed is coming to your office – and that’s okay

Have you ever gone to work high? At one time, this may have been a question that underachieving high school students asked each other as they made their way to their evening shift at Burger King. However, as the frequency and legitimacy of marijuana usage increases,...

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Alberta’s Siksika Nation applies for medical marijuana licence

The Siksika First Nation is exploring the possibility of becoming the first medical marijuana producer on indigenous land in Canada. Siksika Nation Chief and Council, led by Chief Vincent Yellow Old Woman, approved the submission of an application for a mandatory licence to produce pharmaceutical grade medical...

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Island Health sets rules for medical marijuana in hospitals

The nurses aren't dispensing "purple kush" or Island "sweet skunk" with the evening meds. But hospitals on Vancouver Island are making way for medical marijuana use by patients. Dr. Richard Jones, the director of Pharmacy Services with Island Health, helped to draft guidelines for medical marijuana use in...

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