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Whether you’re looking to grow your
own cannabis or register with a licensed producer

Cannabis Act Licensing

Professional services from the Cannabis for medical purposes application stage to industry analysis


Providing physicians with proficient medical cannabis patient care

We are a group of patients, doctors and growers passionate about driving the notion that medical marijuana should be readily available to all Canadians in need through the best and most compassionate means.
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Over 50,000 patients in the Cannabis for medical purposes, Over 32,000 patients in the MMAR

Beer and Marijuana are cousins: Beer’s hops are in the same family of flowering plants as marijuana

There are over 770 medical marijuana strains

Did you know we are born with an endocannabinoid system?

MedicalMarijuana.ca has worked with over 42,000 patients across Canada

Cannabis triggers neurogenesis. Meaning it leads to brain cell growth.


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